
We have had no recent recorded sightings of siskins in Crofton Woods, so it is great news that they have been seen in 2021 - here are a male and female popping out of Sparrow Wood into an adjoining garden for a spot of lunch.


Seen yesterday, on first sight this might have you reaching for a doggy bag, but it is actually daldinia concentrica known by several common names, including King Alfred's cake, cramp balls, and coal fungus.


A small flock of redpolls were sighted by Group members Ann Russell and Peter Smart. They were recorded as breeding in Crofton Woods in 1974 - maybe we will get confirmation that they are breeding in 2021. Spring is just around the corner.

With thanks to Geoff Coad of RSPB Bromley Local Group for his photograph.


A couple of days snow fall left the recreation ground and woods looking very pretty as snow created a winter wonderland.


Bird watchers reported seeing a little owl and tree creeper in the woodland near the recreation ground - so well worth keeping a close eye on the trees.

The tawny owls continue to call on still nights.

Idverde work to open up woodland glades continues - so there should be more opportunities for butterflies in summer 2021.


A little egret - like a small white heron - has been seen a couple of times roosting around the recreation ground. Including huddled in a tree as the snow fell one morning.

The tawny owls are hooting and making a lot of noise on still nights.

Idverde have been working in the woods near the recreation ground to open up glades in the woodland to improve the wildlife habitat.

Litter picking yielded a good collection - particularly of drinks containers and doggy bags.

The Friends of Crofton and Sparrow Woods Committee agreed to replace the original free website, as technical support for that website is being withdrawn.