
There is a new and dangerous threat to the UK’s honeybees - Asian hornets.

There is a new and dangerous threat to the UK’s honeybees - Asian hornets. 

Asian hornets prey on pollinators including honeybees. A single Asian hornet can consume up to 50 bees daily – they can efficiently process a honeybee in under two minutes. So there is a big campaign to locate and destroy Asian hornet nests to prevent them becoming established in the UK. Early nests are commonly found in low places such as hedges, brambles and garden structures. Later in the year nests can be found higher up in trees. 

The first thing to do is spot the different between the Asian hornet and the European hornet – which is being seen more often in Crofton and Sparrow Woods.  

The Asian hornet has an entirely black velvety thorax, is never active at night and overall looks slightly smaller and much darker than our local species. There is a government programme to control them. So, if you find one please use the Asian Hornet Watch app or online at www.nonnativespecies.org/asianhornet to report the sighting.

In August a Group member found a hornet nest in the trunk of an oak - which last year had been occupied by bees. The good news is that these have been identified as European hornets. Her photo and videos are included below. 


December 2022 Friends of Crofton and Sparrow Woods e-newsletter now available - join to receive your copy

The December edition of our e-newsletter is now with members (hard copy is available for non-computer users). Packed with information about what has happened in the woods in the last three months, a summary of the butterflies seen in 2022, and more on the history of the woods and the link with the Isleworth Blue School. Join to receive your copy. 


Lucky dip success - we have bulbs to plant before Christmas

We applied for a ‘Lucky Dip’ run by the Metropolitan Public Gardens Association for a package of around 400 plant bulbs of several varieties. 

We were delighted to be successful, although the need to plant them all before Christmas along the entrance track to the Recreation Ground car park is a real challenge. 

There are going to be two very cold planting sessions on Saturday 17th and Tuesday 20th December to plant then - please do come along and help. idverde have leant us some bulb planters. 

There have been daffodils alongside the entrance for some years – although they are diminishing as their vigour reduces, so we are hoping for lots of colour in Spring 2023.


Free talks: join us for a celebration of Crofton Woods and Bromley’s wildlife on 22 March 2022 at 7.30pm at the GEA Hall, 34 Woodhurst Ave, BR5 1AP. Hear from Steven Lofting (Biodiversity Adviser to idverde) on Bromley’s fascinating natural world, followed by FOCSW on the history and wildlife of Crofton Woods. An evening of free talks organised by the Friends of Crofton and Sparrow Woods, supported by the Petts Wood and District Residents’ Association and the Crofton Residents Association. Turn up on the night, or to be sure of a seat, contact friendscroftonandsparrowwoods@gmail.com or 079678 269008.

(The talks will be followed by a short AGM for FOCSW members.)